Let’s be honest, these last few years have really highlighted why it is important to take extra measures to support our health and immunity. When it comes down to our health, it really is our everyday choices that contribute to our health in the long run.
That’s why the Skinny Mixes team created 3 functional syrups so that you incorporate your health goals in your everyday drinks.
What are functional syrups you ask? Our Functional Syrups have similar to our regular syrups except they have a function! The first function being added antioxidants, the second being added immunity vitamins and the third being added energy!
These syrups are not only delicious but also have added Vitamins and ingredients that can benefit your wellness.
Check out each functional syrup and its benefits down below!
Just as a disclaimer, these syrups were created to help aid you in receiving additional vitamins but should not replace your traditional ways of incorporating vitamins into your life.
If you have any concerns, please consult with your doctor.
Blueberry Burst + Antioxidants
Antioxidants play an important role in our liver function and detoxification process. Without enough antioxidants, free radicals ,which are toxins that can easily attach to our cells during phase two of liver process, can become overpopulated which in turn can create some serious problems for our body. Having enough antioxidants is crucial for liver health helps our bodies release the toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis.
Our Blueberry Burst syrup not only has a wonderful blueberry flavor but is also enriched with Vitamin C + White Tea + Hibiscus.
You can get your dose of daily antioxidants by adding 2 tbsp.
Click here to shop Blueberry Burst

Citrus Splash + Immunity
It has been clear to us that building up and maintaining your immunity is more important than ever. Some ways that you can support your immune health is through taking certain vitamins such as Vitamin C, Zinc, and B vitamins.
Our citrus Splash Syrup contains Vitamin C, Zinc, and B Vitamins and has a tasty citrus flavor.
With just 2 tbsp, you are getting your 50% of your daily vitamin C serving.
Click here to shop Citrus Splash!
Peach Ring + Energy
Are you ever in the need of an extra dose of energy but do not want another cup of coffee? We got you! Studies have shown that one of the best ways to get a boost of energy is through Vitamin B12 and caffeine.
B12 is one of the most important vitamins to supplement because your body does not create in it on its own.
Lucky for you our Peach ring syrups has both Energize your favorite beverages with a burst of juicy Peach Ring flavor, Caffeine, and B Vitamins.
Simply add 2 tbsp. to your favorite 8-ounce beverage without adding any sugar, calories, or carbs.
Click here to shop for Peach Ring!
With these functional syrups adding in vitamins that benefit your health is easy. You can add it to water, smoothies, cocktails, and mocktails to make sure you are adding functionality to everything you do! Get creative with your creations! One of the best parts about these syrups is that they are zero sugar and zero calories Need recipe ideas? Lucky for you have tons of different recipes on our website! The best way to find them is to search for the product you want recipes for on the search bar and then click “pages”. From there all of the recipes that contain that particular product will show up!